Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Phoenix Affirmations Week 2

Here are the next two Affirmations along with scripture (links are active). We will be reflecting on these during worship this Sunday. Please leave your reactions in comments, particularly if you won't be present on Sunday to share them in person. Comments may be used in worship.
Affirmation 3: Celebrating the God whose Spirit pervades and whose glory is reflected in all of God's Creation, including the earth and its ecosystems, the sacred and secular, the Christian and non-Christian, the human and non-human;
Genesis 1:31a; Psalm 96:1,11-12; Acts 17:23
As Christians, we seek to act as righteous stewards of the earth and its ecosystems. We celebrate the reflections of the Creator's glory in both the sacred and secular, human and non-human, Christian and non-Christian.
We affirm that the Path of Jesus is found where Christ's followers act as caring stewards of the earth, and where the presence of the living Christ is celebrated wherever Christ's spirit manifests itself, transcending all preconceived human categories;
We confess that we have stepped away from this Path when we have ignored our role as stewards of the earth, or have interpreted Scripture in a way that fails to account for the sacredness of the earth or the integrity of its ecosystems. We have further moved away whenever we have claimed that that the glorification and praise of God is limited only to that which is consciously and overtly Christian.
Affirmation 4: Expressing our love in worship that is as sincere, vibrant, and artful as it is scriptural.
Genesis 2:7; Exodus 31:2-5; Revelation 18:22
As Christians, we strive to respond to God's artistry in Creation by integrating the arts in worship, education and proclamation. We encourage the reclaiming of artistry and artistic expression in all Christian endeavors, both personal and communal.
We affirm that the Path of Jesus is found where Christ's followers make sincere and vibrant worship of God as central to the life of their community as Jesus did. We further affirm artistic expression as a way of reflecting God's creativity, joy, and prophetic voice in what may be seen, heard, felt, tasted, sung and spoken.
We confess that we have moved away from Christ's Path when we have failed to make worship the product of our best efforts to experience and express love for God, neighbor and self in community with others. We have moved further from this path when we have considered the arts as trivial or merely tangential to the life of a mature Christian community.

1 comment:

  1. I am especially touched by affirmation 4. Too often we are stuck in the cerebral and miss the spirit filled. God has gifted us all with different skills and talents. We should integrated them all into our worship so that we can enjoy all that God created and thank Him for our gifts by using them in His honor.

    I can't wait to see this affirmation enacted not just discussed.
