Friday, April 07, 2006

Question #33

First, my response to question #32:
The element of sibling conflicts and civil strife that is too often (and too easily) overlooked is the fact that the opponent is very similar to ourselves. We can see the small differences as so great as to lead to violence while totally overlooking the overwhelming amount of similarities. Perhaps there is a basis in low self-esteem in this sort of conflict. It certainly makes me wonder out loud if that is the cause of so much strife in the church (and in our churches) today. Could it be that our lack of confidence in our own positions cause us to lash out at others who differ? Perhaps the explanation is that we believe that the best defense is a good offense. So the road to peace may require us to live with the unsettling truth that our own positions may not be superior, they simply work for us for the time being. Perhaps humility and self-confidence go hand-in-hand.

Now for today's question:

Question #33
Yet another story of a bad vow...the other tribes swear not to give their daughters in marriage to the Benjaminites, so they get around their own words by allowing them to take their daughters! Isn't there another way to deal with keeping your word than something like this? What would you have done? Can you name something similar from your own life?

Post your answer (anonymously if you prefer) using the comment field and come back tomorrow for my response and the next question.

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