Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Daily meditations can be a beneficial Lenten practice. It is our hope that by focusing on one gospel you will take these forty days to gain a perspective on the life and ministry as presented by Matthew. We recommend that before you begin the daily readings that you take the time to read the entire gospel, preferably in one sitting.

The Gospel of Matthew is structured around groupings of the teachings of Jesus, called the five great discourses. These daily meditations are structured around those discourses. Each day you will find two meditations, each will be posted on the blog, where you may feel free to respond with a comment. The first is written by Mardi on some piece of a teaching story and will be posted at midnight. The second is written by Ian on some story about the actions of Jesus or the disciples that comes from the section following that discourse and will be posted at noon. During Holy Week the focus shifts to scriptural stories about storms. Those six stories will shape the Sunday worship services during Lent.

Feel free to use these meditations as best suit you. You could read them both at the same time. You can use one to begin your day and the other to reflect on it. You could use Mardi's prayer as a repeated grounding throughout the day or you could use Ian's question as a pondering throughout your day. However you use them we hope that they bless you and that you will consider sharing what you discover on this 40-day journey with others along the way.

Peace and blessings,

Ian and Mardi

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