Friday, December 02, 2005

Elijah's Seat

Yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of Rosa Parks' defiant stand (well, "sit" actually) on a Montgomery bus, so buses all around the nation marked the day by leaving a seat empty in her honor, including buses in Springfield. This reminded me of the practice at the Seder meal during Passover of leaving a seat at the table for Elijah. The idea is that one never knows if this will be the year of Elijah's return.

In Jesus' day people were watching for Elijah's return and some thought that he had come back as John the Baptist. Elijah is the vangaurd, leading the way and calling for us to follow. Well, wasn't that what Rosa Parks did as well? What voices do we hear today crying in the wilderness, telling us to clear a path for the savior to come to us on?

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