Monday, April 03, 2006

Question #29

First, my response to question #28:
After 9/11 when people were questioning how any religion could teach that a person should kill himself to destroy the enemy I couldn't help but think about Samson and the Temple of Dagon. Clearly, even though Samson is the putative "hero," the story is still a cautionary tale. What he did may have been effective, but there is so very much about Samson's life that leads us to understand that he is not a role model. He was a wild man, human enough to know what love is, but too wild to ever truly experience it. We read the stories, and at the end of his pathetic life we are left with a nagging feeling that we need to choose another way: the way of love.

Now for today's question:

Question #29
The Levite "sold out." How easy is it to compromise one's beliefs? How much does it take?

Post your answer (anonymously if you prefer) using the comment field and come back tomorrow for my response and the next question.

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