Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Question #30

First, my response to question #29:
We don't know what it is to be persecuted for our faith, so it is hard to say how much it would take for any of us to deny our faith (and we are certainly grateful not to be tested). As we approach Holy Week, we can't help but think about how all the disciples deserted Jesus. Peter denied him and Judas betrayed him. These were his closest followers, how much better do you think any of us would do? I think we are enticed all the time to compromise on the high demands of our faith to unselfishly serve God by serving others. I'm afraid that if the price were right I could sell out, I pray not to be tested.

Now for today's question:

Question #30
The Levite's concubine is a helpless victim from the start. She can't find refuge in her father's house and then after a brutal gang rape she is killed by her lover. This is a story that reads like a tabloid headline. What is the answer to this level of violence?

Post your answer (anonymously if you prefer) using the comment field and come back tomorrow for my response and the next question.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is ever an answer to violence. We get mad at god because we are violent and then blame God for the violence in the world. People will ask how can God be aloving God and there be so much violence in the world. We are the ones who are violent with each other, with ourselves, with the environment. Even in the church there is so much violence...not of God but because we, as people, are unable to love, truly love all people. ________ and ___________ spend more energy in hating one another rather than finding a common place to stand. Fill in the blank. liberal vs conservative, young vs old, gay vs straight, any number of things. I think in the end the violence of the world is our own creation. The violence in the church, fighting and hating brothers and sister, is our own creation! God is ready to show us unconditional love and to call us to live into that unconditional love but we are too afraid of it, of what it means we have to do in order to receive and offer this love.
Just my early morning ramblings!